YOUNG CRAFTSMEN: The XIV International Apprentice Competition, Glasgow 1965

Žánr: non-fiction
Rok: 1965
Minutáž: 00:21:29 mins
Popis: A record of the 14th Annual International Apprentice Competition, the film shows young craftsmen from ten countries competing in categories ranging from metal turning and carpentry to electronics and plumbing. Social activities and the breadth of Scottish industry are also highlighted.
Klíčová slova: sponsored / Glasgow / Arts and Crafts / Construction and Engineering / Employment, Industry and Industrial Relations / Leisure and Recreation / Science and Technology / Tourism and Travel / Scottish Advisory Committee (Sponsor)
Poskytovatel: National Library of Scotland
Práva: In Copyright
Produkční společnost: Park Film Studios Ltd
Barva: Colour
Director: Douglas Gray
Sound: With sound
Typ dokumentu:
Language: en